Understanding the symptoms and treatments of fibromyalgia
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exploring alternative treatments of fibromyalgia


Welcome to the Pro Physiotherapy clinic for the treatments of fibromyalgia chronic fatigue syndrome.

We can help you take charge of your Fibromyalgia Symptoms.
Bring peace and health to your life with our physiotherapy services.  Our powerful, effective alternatives for FMS pain, safe, clinically practiced and Guaranteed to work!
Fibromyalgia Syndrome is not something you can just “snap out of”.  Like any serious medical condition, the treatment of fibromyalgia must be directed to the cause of Fibromyalgia symptoms. This site offers various information designed to help you get the facts and learn how to manage your conditions.
The first step in fighting fibromyalgia syndrome is to understand what it is, how it affects you, and what causes this “Hidden Disability”. There are a vast array of Symptoms which classically include widespread pain, tender points and fatigue, however the most prevalent Fibromyalgia symptoms are: Pain, Depression, Sleep Disturbances and Stress. There are also a number of associated conditions linked to fibromyalgia.

Self Care and Exercise      

Explore the self care  and exercise options and you will discover  a multitude of lifestyle changes that  can help you cope with FMS and get your mind off your condition.  Find out more about natural strategies that give sufferers the power and stamina to move forward.

Alternative Treatments      

Fibromyalgia Syndrome sufferers are often given two choices; use conventional prescription medications or do nothing.  Doing nothing is not an option. This site provides a multitude of both conventional and alternative (Holistic Medicine and Natural Healing) treatments of fibromyalgia and therapy options.


Physiotherapy and medication are the main treatments of fibromyalgia. While you do have to be patient, there are still some steps you can take now to help yourself feel better. Learn more about the various physiotherapy treatment techniques that can help relieve your  fibromyalgia symptoms.  Fibermyalgia Syndrome can be reversed.
In Pro Physiotherapy Clinic, we use electrotherapy modalities to reduce the pain like IFT, TENS, SWD, moist heat,  Exercise therapy mainly stretching, strengthening exercises helps to reduce the fibromyalgia.  Pro Physiotherapy clinic's physiotherapists does trigger point release, cupping therapy and dry needling to treat the fibromyalgia.
According to Dr. J Mazumdar, physiotherapist, the most important way of the treatments of fibromyalgia is lifestyle changes mainly stressful situations, prolong sitting, overuse, sedentary lifestyle.Stretching the particular muscles and strengthening the effected muscles helps the most. 
Aerobic exercises like swimming also helps. 
To consult Dr. J Mazumdar, Physiotherapist visit Pro Physiotherapy, the best physiotherapy clinic in Jayanagar, Aster Clinic, JP Nagar. Book prior appointment ( M: 8951022334) for the treatments of the fibromyalgia.

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