Pro Physiotherapy is a multidisciplinary physical therapy and wellness clinic specializing in a conservative approach to restoring normal function to weak and decondition muscle tissue. In our physical therapy department, we utilize spinal specific and supportive progressive resistance exercises, soft tissue management, and specific stretching protocols. In short, we feel that physical therapy should be physical and not passive.
With that in mind, we focus on exercise as our chief rehabilitation tool. While we are able to provide traditional passive modalities, these treatments are usually combined with exercise. Our physical therapy and wellness programs both focus on educating and motivating our patients and clients to use proper body mechanics and a slow repetition speed when performing exercises.
A slow repetition speed is paramount to isolate damaged or targeted tissues and to prevent gravity and moment from doing the work. This will also prevent larger muscle groups from entering the equation to do the work for the damaged or targeted muscles and joint systems being trained. We do all of this while the patient exercises to improve their strength, endurance, and function. When all of these tasks are done correctly and consistently, the patient’s pain levels decrease, and their overall health improves.
At Pro Physiotherapy, we treat patients for a number of different types of injuries and post surgical conditions. While all injuries are different, most of these conditions have similar needs as it relates to the rehabilitation of the injured area. Many times the patient enters our office suffering from pain, tightness, and weakness.
At Pro Physiotherapy, we design a rehabilitation program specific to each patient that is aimed at restoring function, strength, and stability to the injured areas. We do this not only by performing different methods of treatment, but also by educating our patients on there condition and teaching them exercises to do at home for both during and after their treatment in our facility.
Our treatment protocols are proven to be safe and effective. The protocols are determined by a physiotherapist before initiating the program, and are made based on the recommendations made by the referring physician. Our patients spend thirty minutes or more each visit with one-on-one supervision by a physiotherapist or degree exercise therapist to insure that all exercises are being performed properly.
Our physiotherapy treatment protocols usually consist of treatment two to three times a week, with evaluations performed every four weeks. Physical examination results, combined with subjective and objective data, will determine the necessity for additional interventions. This information is then sent to the referring physician for review and further direction.
Our Physiotherapy program usually lasts two to four weeks for most non-surgical cases or until the patient reaches a stabilization phase. Once the patient has completed the program, we encourage an ongoing independent exercise program, like our physical therapy and wellness clinic program, to maintain their condition and promote continued improvement.
How often a client comes in for our wellness program, is dictated by our client’s goals and personal needs. We are able to design programs for busy schedules and those that travel.