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Signs of bowed legs in toddlers, points to be considered.
Question received:
I received an enquiry from a Mum regarding her 3.5 year old daughter whose legs are not straight and also has in-toeing.
Usually with bowed legs and intoeing/out-toeing, these will resolve as times progresses and as they grow older and taller. However here are some points to consider and if you answer ‘yes’ to any of these, then you should seek the consult of your Paediatrician and Paediatric Physiotherapist to provide you with some conservative therapy ideas to improve their alignment and motor development.
Signs of bowed legs in toddlers must be noticed by the parents if their child has the issues.
1. Does it affect his/her walking and gait?
2. Is there any in-toeing or out-toeing?
3. Is your child clumsy?
4. Does he/she fall or stumble often?
5. Has your child been delayed with other motor skills and milestones?